Pool Closed Due To Air Quality 8/20 12:30 PM

Hello swimmers,

The pool is closed due to poor air quality 8/20 at 12:30 PM. The AQI has been above 150ppm for the past hour. We are making this decision based on the health and safety of our guards and you, our patrons. 

We will be checking the air quality again at 5pm to decide if we can reopen for the evening. It is unlikely we will be able to reopen as forecasts show it staying around this level for the rest of the day. 

We have installed a PurpleAir air quality sensor at the pool and will be using that to make our decisions about closing. The most current readings are posted on the website wedgwoodpool.com so you can check there. You can also download the app “air quality reader” which is what our sensor is uploading to. On the app we will be using the PurpleAir AQI tab (found on the bottom of the screen). 

We will be updating the website and Facebook with a decision about opening or staying closed at 5pm today. 

Thank you all for being flexible and know that this decision is made with the health and safety of all of us in mind. 

Thank you, 
