Hello swimmers,
I was hoping I wouldn’t have to send this message out so early in the summer but here we are. The air quality index (AQI) was creeping up to 130 PPM this morning and it looks like it is going to be an early fire season.
I am going to give you information on how and why we are going to be making decisions about pool closures using the information we have at our disposal. Please remember that we will be considering the health and safety of you the members along with our staff. It will not be black and white, what works or is healthy for you might not be for our staff. We have a handful of staff members that are in the sensitive group which will impact our decisions.
We will be using the PurpleAir Air quality App for our air quality readings. They have sensors in more locations around the city giving us more precise readings. Their numbers and readings are more site specific and precise than the weather app on a phone.
If the AQI enters into the upper range of unhealthy for sensitive groups, we will begin to consider closing pool operations. That means as it enters into the 140’s we will begin to consider closing based on who is available to work. If the AQI goes above 150, pushing us into the “unhealthy for all” we will close pool operations.
If we have to close, we will likely be closed for the remainder of the day. There may be exceptions to this, and reopening may happen. Reopening on the same day in which we close will depend upon the air quality and the availability and ability of our staff to find transportation back to the pool.
For the most up to date information regarding pool closures check the website. On days when it is getting into the 120’s I will be putting out announcements and updates.
Hopefully all of this is precautionary and we won’t get there, but let’s all be ready and flexible if we do!